Is a covenant union of husband and wife to a vocation of love for each other, their family, the Church and the world.
Christian marriage is a sacrament and the Catholic Church works with the couple to ensure that they are well prepared to enter into this vocation.
This preparation includes:
Couples desiring to receive the Sacrament of Marriage should contact the pastor before setting a wedding day. Preparations can take a number of months, so plan to meet with the pastor about your wedding at least six months prior to the ceremony.
In fidelity to Jesus' teaching, the Church believes that marriage is a lifelong bond. Unfortunately, some relationships end in permanent separation. In such cases, one may desire to investigate the previous relationship in regards to an annulment. No Catholic may enter into a new marriage if they have not obtained a declaration of nullity first.
The annulment process has no cost but it does take a significant amount of time to complete. Anyone seeking an annulment will be "guided in the process" by a personal Advocate. Privacy is highly respected through the entire process.
For couples that are already in a civil marriage and want to receive the sacrament of Marriage, you can make your vows in a Convalidation ceremony in the Church. The process is similar to other preparation for marriage so please contact the pastor if you wish to have your marriage convalidated in the Catholic Church.