National Service Organizations

Parish Organizations

The Sacred Heart Altar Society

The Altar Society’s main objectives are to cherish and promote devotion to the Most Blessed Sacrament and to supply the necessities of the altar and sanctuary.  Altar Society members are asked to consider participation in the Flower and/or Church Preparation committees. In addition, many parish activities are overseen by committees of the Altar Society, including CEF enrollments, funeral lunches, Second Chance Emporium, and sick and homebound visitations. All parishioners, regardless of membership in the Altar Society, are invited to participate in these activities. With a call to any of the officers listed below, you can be directed to someone who can give you more information about becoming actively involved in any of these projects or becoming a member.

President – Karen Janda       Vice President – Marian Tajchman    Treasurer – Anna Boyd    Assistant Treasurer – Susie Kalmus

Secretary – Trish Pechal         Parliamentarian – Gracie Fucik

Membership dues are $5. These can be paid at a meeting or put in the collection basket at Mass. If you put it in the collection basket at Mass, please be sure to address the envelope to the Altar Society and specify that these are "Altar Society Dues." 

The Catholic Daughters of the Americas (CDA)

The Catholic Daughters of the Americas, motto is " Unity and Charity", and is one of the oldest and largest organizations of Catholic women in the Americas. They donate to charities, administer scholarship programs and strive “to be helping hands where there is pain, poverty, sorrow or sickness.” 

For more information contact regent - Sherry Hebert at 979-249-6410 or click here.

The Junior Catholic Daughters of the Americas (JCDA) is the youth program of the Catholic Daughters of the Americas. It includes girls ages 8 to 18. The JCDA members participate in a threefold program of Message, Service and Community spreading the Message of God and their faith, Service to others and keeping in one with their Community and faith...

 For more information click here.

The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal organization of Catholic men...

devoted to works for promotion of charity and education, provision of benefits to members and survivors in the families of deceased members. For more information, please visit:

The Holy Name Society

The Holy Name Society is a spiritual confraternity within the Catholic Church, promoted by the Order of Preachers (the Dominicans), open to lay, religious and clergy. The mission of the Holy Name Society is to promote reverence to the Holy Name of God and Jesus, and to help its members grow in holiness and obtain salvation. The Holy Name Society meets every second Sunday of the month in the Parish Center from 7:30 - 8:30am. Breakfast is served and a spiritual topic is discussed. 

Contact Michael Chovanec at (979) 966-2842  or by email at for more information or if you are interested in joining the society.   

The K.J.T. Catholic Union of Texas

The KJT is a non-profit fraternal benefit insurance society that operates under the lodge system and has a representative form of government. The initial meeting and election of provisional officers was held in Bluff, Texas (now Hostyn) on March 24 and 25, 1889 by a group of male Czech immigrants. KJT was later incorporated under the laws of Texas on July 4, 1889, and is currently licensed and operates only in the state of Texas. The KJT Home Office is located in La Grange, Texas.

Contact us at 361-442-6554 or Click here, for more information.

Th KJZT Family Life Fraternal Benefit

KJZT Family Life is a Fraternal Benefit Society founded in 1894 by Czech Catholic Women. Today, almost 125 years after its founding, KJZT Family Life offers membership to all Texans irrespective of gender or ethnic background. As a non-profit, we provide life insurance and annuities but earnings from sales to our members are returned to their communities in the form of direct members benefits including support of the Catholic Church and various community service projects.

For more information please call the State Office toll-free at 888-253-2338, local president - Elizabeth Kallus at 979-249-7519 or Click here.

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